Sending Vendor Intro to port 0x0000
Status 0x80
Re-sending Vendor Intro:
Serial flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Device ID request to port 0x0000
Spi Status: 0x00
Manufacturer ID: 0xC2
Device ID: 0x11
Flash Name: MXIC(MX25L2005)
Flash Size: 262144 bytes
Getting Status from port 0x0000
SPi flash found with Status 0x72
Sending Chip Erase to Port 0x0000
Writing target buffer to flash
Writing Bank 0: ................
Writing Bank 1: ................
Writing Bank 2: ................
Writing Bank 3: ................
Flash Verification Test !
Reading Bank 0: ................
Reading Bank 1: ................
Reading Bank 2: ................
Reading Bank 3: ................
Write verified OK !

mt1339e sell :